Guidebook with maps/step-by-step
1/ From the Tourist Office car park, take the road signposted ‘Grenoble - St Pierre de Chartreuse’. After a few metres, take the first turning on the left and cross the bridge over the Guiers Vif. Towards the Tour d'Infernet, follow signs for Les Bandets along a yellow signposted path that climbs through the woods and intersects the road in two places. The path joins the road leading to the hamlet of Les Bandets. 2/ At the hamlet, take the first road on the right (yellow markings). The route then descends along a track to St Même d'en Bas. 3/ Follow the red and yellow markings on a narrow road down to a crossroads. Follow the road straight up and after a few metres, take a track on the left towards St Même d'en Haut. Follow the road down to the right as far as the hairpin bend. Take the track that rises to the left (yellow markings). After a 15-minute walk, at the crossroads, take the path down to the left and join the Cirque meadow. 4/ From the Drugey bridge, follow the signs for the Cascades path, which makes a loop (1hr 30mins). Alternatively, follow the signs for the Fond du Cirque, also a loop (30 mins). To return, head towards the car park. Continue along the road to St Même d'en Haut (yellow signs). Take the same route as the outward journey as far as St Même d'en Bas. Go up the small dead-end road, passing between the last houses. 3/ At the signpost, take the left-hand path towards St Pierre d'Entremont, marked in red and yellow. The path descends gently through the woods and along the edge. It rejoins the main road as far as the village of St Pierre d'Entremont. The last 800 m are on the road.