5,9 km Cycle touring route: Col du Coq from Le Plateau des Petites Roches The route starts just outside the village of Le Plateau des Petites Roches (formerly Saint-Pancrasse) and climbs to the Col du Coq. At the pass, you... Plateau-des-Petites-Roches
Location Vtt Velo Chartreuse©Location Vtt Velo ChartreuseMTB, VAE, bike rentalsRent your equipment (mountain bike, electric bicycle, etc.) near your route. Read morePump Track St Pierre Chartreuse©Pump Track St Pierre Chartreuse|Laurence BatonMTB / BMX / … equipmentPump track, downhill tracks, bike parks, … Find all the specialized equipment in the Chartreuse massif. Read moreVtt Chartreuse©Vtt ChartreuseOrganized mountain biking & cycling outingsProgram of mountain biking / cycling / VAE (Electrically Assisted Bike) excursions organized on the Chartreuse massif. Read moreVtt Chartreuse Encadrement©Vtt Chartreuse Encadrementmountain bike instructorBe accompanied by a mountain biking and mountain professional. Discover all of our specialist service providers. Read moreDefault Img©Default ImgScootersRead more