Station Trail St Pierre Chartreuse©Station Trail St Pierre ChartreuseNordik Walk resortDiscover the very first station dedicated to Nordic walking: the Nordik Walk resort in St Pierre de Chartreuse. Station Nordik Walk©Station Nordik Walk|PicasaTips for Nordic WalkingFollow all the advice of Arja Jalkanen-Meyer, specialist in the discipline! Parcours Marche Nordique©Parcours Marche NordiqueNordic walking routeConsult and choose your Nordic walking route and download its GPX track. Station Nordik Walk©Station Nordik Walk|PicasaNordic walking outings with a coachWorkshops, coaching, internships, etc. Find all the Nordic walking outings offered in Chartreuse. Default Img©Default ImgNordic walk coach directory
Sur Le Plateau Et Les Cretes De La Dent De Crolles©Sur Le Plateau Et Les Cretes De La Dent De CrollesHikingVous aimez la Chartreuse, ses petits sentiers en sous-bois et ses magnifiques panoramas… Quoi de mieux que vos pieds pour découvrir, à votre rythme, tous les trésors que...Read more2016 06 26 Grand Duc 2016 Photo Alain Douce 3©2016 06 26 Grand Duc 2016 Photo Alain Douce 3TrailDo you like to discover the landscapes in short or long strides? Trail-running, a race on mountain trails, has its share of sensations in store for you, when effort and...Read moreDefault Img©Default ImgOrienteering courseRead moreGéocachingThe treasure hunt of the 21st century! Use a GPS to find or hide a cache (or geocache) in unusual places. An activity full of discoveries, ideal for young and old alike. Read moreArpenteur Chartreuse Panorama©Arpenteur Chartreuse PanoramaHiking photoObserve the Chartreuse through the lens of your camera: learn or improve your skills with a professional in photography, the mountains … and the Chartreuse! Read more