Guiers Mort 12Guiers Mort 12
©Guiers Mort 12
Fishing in Chartreuse

Fishing labels

La Chartreuse has obtained several labels around fishing for some of its courses and… for its rivers!

The routes of the Fishing Federation

The French National Fishing Federation (FNPF) has labelled two courses in the Chartreuse :

  • A family course
  • A passionate journey

These are the first two courses to be labelled in France!

The Family Course: a course of variable size offering practical conditions: accessibility, safety, comfort and sanitary facilities. In addition, it offers a range of activities for the family (children’s games, leisure activities) and reception conditions that allow the family to spend a good day relaxing fishing.

Le parcours passion : this course is designed to meet the expectations of experienced or specialised fishermen. It is a high quality fishing and fishing course renowned for the quality of its management and its populations and allowing the corresponding practices in the best conditions. In all cases, a method of heritage management is essential.

The Rivière Sauvage label

Since June 2019, a part of the Guiers Mort has had the Rivière Sauvage label. This is the section from the sources of Dead Mistletoe to Fourvoirie.

This label is a conservation tool for rivers that already have a good ecological status: only 1% of rivers in France can be labelled. The label has been awarded by the Chartreuse Regional Nature Park and the association Réciprocité Guiers.

You can take advantage of this exceptional place thanks to the ONF trail, in the heart of the Grande Chartreuse national forest.
