Monicadalmasso1310 Sonordic1 2©Monicadalmasso1310 Sonordic1 2|Monica DalmasssoNordic site of St Hugues de ChartreuseSnow info, webcams, prices, ski lessons, equipment hire Thomashyttestephanecervoscer6785©Thomashyttestephanecervoscer6785Supervision, Nordic coursesFollow the advice of a Nordic professional to start or improve your skills! Location Mat Nordique©Location Mat NordiqueNordic ski equipment rentalBefore setting off on the slopes, rent equipment adapted to your technique, your discipline and your morphology for even more fun!
Ski Alpin©Ski AlpinAlpine skiingJust 30 minutes from Grenoble, the resort of St Pierre de Chartreuse is the largest ski area in the Chartreuse. As for the resort of St Hugues, discover a friendly and family...Read moreArpenteur Chartreuse (57) Hd©Arpenteur Chartreuse (57) HdSnowshoesThe Chartreuse, and in particular St Pierre de Chartreuse, is the favourite terrain for snowshoe trekking. Hiking ideas, supervision, equipment hire… Read more