©Gregory CassiauLocal productsFrom starter to dessert, from Chamechaude to Mont Granier, from chocolate to Savoy Wines, the Chartreuse abounds in unsuspected and delicious flavours that your taste buds will...Read moreRestaurant Chartreuse©Restaurant ChartreuseRestaurantsWith family or friends, gather around a good Chartrousine table and enjoy typical Savoyard and Dauphinois dishes: croziflette, diots with white wine, gratin dauphinois,...Read moreRaid Vtt Chartreuse Mai 2006 068©Raid Vtt Chartreuse Mai 2006 068Bars, cafes and bistrosThere is nothing better, after the effort, than the comfort of a break on the terrace of a café to enjoy the calm of our mountains and the superb panorama… Read moreMarche©MarcheMarketsRead moreParc de la Chartreuse©Parc de la Chartreuse|ZilbermanFood shopsButcher’s shop, bakery, local products, grocery shops… Find all the food shops in the villages of Chartreuse! Read more