Castle of the Dukes of Savoy

  • Historic site and monument
  • Historic patrimony
  • Castle
  • 19th C
  • 13th C
  • 15th C
  • 17th C
  • Classified
Place du Château, 73000 Chambéry
Stronghold, princely palace and symbol of the power of the Counts and Dukes of the Savoie, the Château des Ducs de Savoie brings together a remarkable collection of buildings, constructed between the 13th century and the present day.
It is currently the seat of the Préfecture and Département of Savoie.
The princes who governed the Savoy State for almost 900 years and the number of administrations that followed have left their mark. Since 1860, when the Savoie region was annexed to France, the Préfecture and the Conseil Général du Département continued this administrative function.

Guided tours leave from the Hôtel de Cordon CIAP (71 rue Saint Réal), and allow visitors to see inside part of the Medieval buildings:
- Salles de la Chambre des Comptes (except Mondays)
- Cour...


Not accessible in a wheelchair
Travellers ChequeTravellers Cheque


Castle of the Dukes of Savoy
Place du Château, 73000 Chambéry
Contact Castle of the Dukes of Savoy
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Spoken languages
  • French
  • In centre of town
  • Town location
  • Close to a public transportation
  • Bus stop < 500 m
  • Close to bus lines A, C, D (stop "Château des ducs") or 1, 2 and 19 (stop "Préfecture"). More information on
Updated on 29 November 2024 at 08:46
by Grand Chambéry Alpes Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 604770)
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